Thursday, 23 February 2012

The Kingdom Hall! 25 brothers and sisters come.
 2 brothers live behind it.

Example of the territory

One of the many concentration camp type
little towns built as relief homes.

Jade beating the poor lady down for lettuce. 

 So... my first day of witnessing. Was placing tracts.. very basically. ''This is for you to read.'' People look at me like like i've just offended them. Everyone sleeps in until 10-10.30 so we start with an hour of some street then start the territory after. Its a rarity for people not to listen so Jade got about 3 door step studies in 2 hours. Because she's so busy she has to be strict so no muck arounders. We stop around 12.30 coz everyone is having lunch or a sleep so it's a perfect break to set you up for the rest of the day. I think i'm finally learning how to walk. Like REALLY walking. 20 min there, 35 min there. Up little tracks, one dog wide, for shortcuts. Loving it so far. See how i'll cope in the weeks to come. Hopefully my legs don't die.

View of Dichato. To the left you can
see the damage from the tsunami.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Good photo of us!.. apart from the concrete

Heres a few photos. At miranda, last time at our KH and at dennys, on the plane(window seat yuss!), and at my new home, Dichato!! Very long trip, tired like never before... my excuse for being beaten at black lady on the bus. 1/365 into my trip, woke up at 2pm met some cool brothers and went to the beach drinking some coca-cola. The kingdom hall is 1 minute walk and is very small and hopefully it doesn't rain to much coz the bathroom is outside around the back. Ahh back to the chile diet.. bread & cheese. And pablo's loved 500ml mug of coffee. S good man.
Honestly the most people i've ever seen on one beach