Friday 6 July 2012

Star Trek much. One of the cool bus stations on the way to
Iguazu. In Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
Wow what a jammed packed last few weeks. Spent a week and a half away from home and did 6200 k's in 8 days!!!! Now I appreciate how much preaching you gotta do to make up for one week off haha. Anyway.. so we decided to go to Iguazu Falls for a few days and I don't think we really grasped the length of the bus ride before we left. 32 hours straight. Man what a trip. But it wasn't too bad because we just watched movies most of the time :-). We hadn't really planned anything for when we got there so we found a hotel right in the middle of town and headed straight away to the Brasil side of the falls. Sooooo amazing. Some guy that worked there asked us if we wanted to do a rappel ad rafting tour and we impulsed and did it. Rappelled down 50m right next to the falls. And the rafted down the river. Needed ponchos for main waterfall!!! Soaked still.
Jairo all nervous just before the rappel.
NOT the main part of the falls but still impressive!! View
from the Brasil side.

Only had one question before the rafting. Are there

Sooo close its unreal. So much power. So much noise. So much

Man I felt cool in that poncho.

Climbing a vine on one of the trails.
Macuco Trail. 4k walk one way to the small
waterfall where we had a swim. So worth it
Sort of like a tame possum. Really funny
 because you can scare them pretty easy
and they jump surprisingly high haha.
And we couldn't resist giving them food.
They had that Puss-in-boots eye thing

Felt good having a swim after a month and a half in the
freezing cold mountains

The next day we went to the Argentina side which was heaps bigger. About 5 walks that take a couple of hours each. Started off in the morning on the long walk to the little waterfall and had play around underneath the water. Pretty strong for how much water it was. Spent 3 or 4 hours just walking and walking and after you see one amazing waterfall, walk a bit more and there's another one even better around the corner. We worked out we did about 15ks walking that day. At the end of the day we had just enough time to go for the boat ride that goes for 15 minutes right up to where the main waterfalls are. Couldn't get any photos coz everybody just got SOAKED. Couldn't see. Or breath haha. Nutcase boat drivers. So awesome.
Tried to get a 10 second timed shot but didn't quite make it!

Awesome how all the boardwalks are set up.
Right above
 some waterfalls

I think my favourite. Definitely the best platform to just
stand there in amazement

Typical view of the falls. We spent an entire day looking at this.
What a bummer ae

All the walkways were right on the edge

Garganta del Diablo (the Devils Throat). The, massive, mouth-drooling
mammoth of a waterfall. I still can't believe how much water there was 

I think my favourite spot for a photo. Salto Bossetti.

The trail we took to get to the boat platform. Love this shot
of Jairo. All he needs is some natives clothes and it'd be like
something out of a movie.

Where to stay if you're Uncle Scrooge

The map of the park. Lucky there were a few of these around
 coz we got lost a couple of times haha

Our tidy hotel room. Slept every
night with the widow open and just
on top of the bed. The humidity is
crazy. And they reckon in summer it's
just insane. I thought there would be
mozzies and stuff but in winter there's
 just about none. Sweeet

Border of Brasil ad Paraguay

When I came to South America I didn't expect i'd end up
anywhere that looks like somewhere in Asia.
 The day after the falls we went to Paraguay for a day. FAMOUS as for super cheap shopping and tons of people. I used 4 different currencies in one day. Thats pretty wierd. You can either buy real stuff or rip-off's of pretty much everything. And the amount of people was the most i have ever seen. Ever. Cool fun though.
Went to Burger King and bought the biggest, juiciest burger
 we could. There's Jairo having trouble eating it haha

Shopping mall right next to the border
 all duty free.

In Puerto Iguazu (where we were staying). 7 roads for 1
intersection haha. Just about everytime there was a car, there
 was a crash. Went out to dinner every night too. Awesome food.

Heaps of games

Went to the Sunday meeting there in Puerto Iguazu. Nice little hall.
Meeting started at 6 and our bus was at 9 on the other side of
town haha. So we made sure we got there early to talk rather than
stay after.

Puerto Iguazu, Argentina.
The 1k walk to the Devils throat. All the way by baordwalks.
And to think that all this water goes over the falls!!
What a sign haha

 So thats the end of our trip to Iguazu. So amazing. Left tuesday night, arrived thursday morning and wet straight to Brasil for the day. Friday, went to the Argentina side for the whole day. Saturday, we went to Paraguay and tired ourselves out walking in the heat all day. Walking and dodging people in the street. Too crowded. And Sunday we had a sleep in and walked around the waterfront of the river in Puerto Iguazu. Where Argentina, Brasil and Paraguay meet. Went to the meeting, took the bus sunday night and got home midday Tuesday........ And left at 3pm for a 2 day holiday down in the mountains. AAAHHHH :-)
It was a 7-8 hour drive down south. To a place called Las leñas. Big place. I think one of the better places to ski in the area. The wednesday was a free day for everyone (so that's why we went) but it meant a fair bit of people. It wasn't too bad actually. Spent 4 hours up the mountain with Jairo, Jessica, Jeronimo and two sisters from Mendoza, other Jessica, and Betsabe. Laugh a minute with these guys. Spent all day falling over and taking out other people haha. Mega mega snow. While we were there it snowed about 12cm's. Decided to leave at 3 coz of the snow. Lucky too because after about 4:30, all the cars and buses got stuck over night in their cars because of the snow!! Drove back to Mendoza that night and slept in the house of Betsabe. What a cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool week!!!!!
Unpacking all our stuff when we arrived.

Me, Jessica from mendoza, Jairo, Jeronimo y Jessica.

Up the top with Las Lenas behind me

Pascual, Deborah, Gillermo. Jairo and Grisiela in the front.
 Finally back out witnessing! Seemed like forever. For the final part of the month, did tons of witnessing. Went to some new places. Waaaaay out in the territory. Took a bus 90k's up to the most northern part of the territory and did a full day with Gillermo walking and walking through this little town called Villa Nueva.
A normal oven is built from the
ground up. Someone was using their
brain. Straight into the hill

Wicked house. Straight from a movie. 

One of the few cool hotels in Barreal that are packed in summer but in winter
 there's no-one. Sweet view tho

View from the backdoor of the house of one of the studies there
in Villa Nueva. Chicken house and the family toilet
The inside view of the toilet haha. yummy

One normal day here in Barreal. Ice 10mm thick

A few hours working all together at the kingdom hall's little house at the back. Ángel even has the Mate. (The older brother there in the middle drinking what looks like some sort of drug haha) Cool day. Chopped out the wall to make the garage door. The walls are all made of dirt and mud!!

One place called the Seven Colour Hills. It has rocks of heaps
 of different colours like you can't believe

Just see our shadows at the bottom. Cool lines in the rock

Old little mine that we climbed in and had a look

Wasn't brave enough to go very far (or dumb enough). But
it went for aaages.

I had to take a photo of this house
 Anyway... so I'm at the end of my stay in Barreal. Been here for a month and a half. Awesome preaching (and holidays:-P). Tomorrow we go up north to share in the preaching campain for 10 days. And I mean way up north. Right to the top of Argentina. Lots of need there. And after that i'm heading straight to Bolivia since it's so close. So CHAU for now. Nos Vemos