Sunday 7 October 2012

In the mercado campesino(Farmers Market)

TARIJA!!! Really nice, take it easy city. Along with some pretty dodgy suburb territory where we got attacked by dogs more than once. From Sucre I took an overnight bus on a road that was pretty bad. But I suppose normal for Bolivia. Didn't realise but there are 11 Kiwis there right now!! Heaps. Spent my awesome stay with Martin and Luise Rattray in their lovely relaxing B&B. Did some witnessing with two different gongregations. Some central territory and some stuff further out with the Kiwis. I was feeling right at home.  
Move to Bolivia if you like Bananas and Papayas

One block from the centre. Out one
day witnessing

Having breakfast at the Rattray's

The big dam about 10 min out of town

I snuck down to the bottom

Central Plaza of Tarija

The Coimata Waterfalls. Half an hour walk up a cool river. The first real
water I've seen for a while

It was such a good swim

Did a walk up to the top of a mountain that just about killed
 me but it was worth the view

The two halls I went to were both brand newbies

A cool couple from Spain serving
here. Taking their bike to the hall

Shimon and I preaching. This door was slightly a bit shorter
 than normal

These dogs are nuts. By the end of the
morning there was two broken umbrellas

It's called Walley. Volleyball with walls. Super cool idea 

Los tarijenos after our game

Hall Cleaning

The other brand new hall. Sweet as Bolivia!!!

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