Saturday 10 March 2012

Awesome place but owned by tsunamis.
People love colourful houses
Lunch break on the beach

Well March!! Announced at the meeting were 17 pioneers! 5 regular and 12 aux. Out of 23 publishers. Awesome! Sunday was country day up the coast, man what a blast. The car is the only car in the congregation so when the lovely sister, Aunty Monica, lets us use it we make the most of it and go as far as possible.  Its seems the poorest people live in the most beautiful places. Lots of planted forest and some super tall skinny native trees. Lots of animals on the roads and had a massive pig come up to us while we were at a door. We were walking past lots of big, juicy blackberry so I went to pick some to eat, thats when I remembered not everywhere is as safe as NZ. I was told about this rat with a huge tail that lets out a stink smell and if you smell it, 1 in 5 people die. Similar odds to when i'm around.  And its all over the blackberry... whoa ok. I have to emphasise how good the food is. I should really start taking photo's of the meals. Can't wait for the invitations to start. Get to see the rest of the territory

Poor snake
11 people in one car? For 45 minutes?

Welcome to Dichato!! So small its
not even on Google maps

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