Saturday 24 March 2012

Man I love this view!

Its been a month now and i think it feels more like i live here rather than a trip. Its been awesome the last couple of weeks. Heaps of BBQ's and visitors. The campaign has been great and has givin me a break with presentations haha just a bit easier. We went to Chillan for a special assembly day. And Wow it was pretty cool. Met a few brothers and families. That night we were invited to an insane dinner at the Astete's. This last week has been cool coz Pato came for a holiday in Dichato and stayed with us. Out witnessing we had a drunk man talk to us for ages slurring and trying not to fall over. At 10.30 in the morning. Pablo and I put our pioneer slips in a couple a weeks ago and they came back and we were announced in the meeting as regulars!!! It feels good being part of the organisation and especially our little group in Dichato! After the meeting last night we had a BBQ at our place with tons of meat that Pato brought from Chillan. Theres the photo above of me cooking. Today we spent all day cleaning up the cabanas (cabins) getting ready for a whole lot of brothers staying. I'm thankful to Pablo and Jade for letting me stay. So i'm getting a taste of hanging the washing out and cleaning and I cooked lunch the other day but I don't know if they'll let me again. if they want it on time and want it to taste good. And just this afternoon Pablo and I were playing football and I was playing in barefoot like a true kiwi, or maybe just dumb, and I owned my foot on some glass so now i've got a numb foot with stiches in it. I hope its good enough to go out preaching otherwise i'll have to hop to all the doors
.....another BBQ

This house's roof floated up in the tsunami
and chomped back down on the poor matress
Soon they'll be no beach :-(

Skyping back home!!!!

We should have woken up earlier coz we waited for the
bus for two hours. Haha that'll teach us for sleeping in
Pato and Pablo playing Goals

MASSIVE dinner with the thickest steak i've ever seen. Dinner
at the Astete's

Special Assembly Day in Chillan. 1350 brothers and sisters
Pato (Patricio) just before the BBQ.

Cool photo with the embers

Happened a few hours ago. Cut my
foot playing soccer. Just when
the needle is going in!
Stiching up my foot

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